Archive: January, 2017

Tweets from 2017-01-12

  • @CopperheadSec Does cellular data work when installed on Nexus 9? Officially only WiFi I see, but would like to try. 10:09:55

Tweets from 2017-01-09

Tweets from 2017-01-06

  • I wanna be back home on vacation with my family and stupid pets. 15:02:30

Tweets from 2017-01-05

  • RT @IDOT_Illinois: Green = Good (It also means "clear of snow and ice".) Some slick spots still out there, but road conditions are improvin… 15:12:31
  • Idiots pandering. Too bad they are only defunding useful healthcare.

    Paul Ryan: GOP will defund Planned Parenthood 15:30:07

Tweets from 2017-01-04