- I actually wrote something. New post: Tweets from 2018-10-29 https://t.co/jpgyhBi8Tp October 30, 2018 #Twitter 07:01:11
- @thesouthern Short version: @realDonaldTrump wants to violate US constitution. How can you #MAGA when you don't eve… https://t.co/bgokkJBM9C in reply to thesouthern 14:03:45
- @KevinChau @stlpublicradio I feel your pain. Moving up often involves having the right letters on your resume. Skil… https://t.co/qKaWs1ndxR in reply to KevinChau 14:04:56
- RT @acedtect: How cordcutters get their news is changing, plus should Star Trek do a cartoon? https://t.co/yUupANi60F 14:05:57
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