Election Day is here again

Today is the day for local elections. We’ve got mayor, council, and the bond referendum on the ballot. I certainly hope there will be a huge turnout at the polls.

The races and referendum have become very heated topics over the past 6 months or so around this area. I just hope that good people get elected and do the best they can to help this city and the people who live here.

In the mayoral race, I personally believe that either candidate will do well for this city. In the council races, I prefer Renshaw and Heck. Kent just seems to be a nice guy from when I’ve chatted with him. Rick has had some problems in his past, but I think he has improved his life greatly and he seems to try and represent the citizens.

I won’t say anything about the bond referendum, but if you’ve read this or know me you know I’m opposed to the way it is being presented.

So, if you live around here, GO VOTE!