Archive: November, 2007

Welcome, to the United States of KGB

I love our government. Well, I love the idea of our government. Unfortunately the dictator-regime in power has removed any semblance of that great idea.

As we speak, the government listens to phone calls, reads email, and tracks our web-movements – all without any kind of warrant. Now we have an intelligence (I use that term loosely) official publicly stating what was said in the “fiction” movie Enemy of the State.

He believes that privacy can no longer mean anonymity. Basically, you should let the government see/hear everything you do, and trust them to securely track that information. Don’t worry, America, your government is in control.

Yeah, the government has such a great history of doing a great job. What is the national debt up to these days? How many weapons were found in Iraq? Where is Osama? How slow was GW to act over 9/11? Has the CDC cured anything lately?

Yeah, trust the dictatorship America, they’ll do what’s best.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-11-08

  • Just finished up my persuasive presentation for COMM 1101. My word it was involved. Still needs some polish. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-11-07

  • Workin’ 9 to 5….. Actually 8 – 12, but who’s counting? #
  • Writing batch files… #

It’s that time of the semester

You ever have that “But I don’t wanna go to school, mommy…” feeling in college? I’m to that point in the semester. I love geekery, and that’s mostly what I’m doing. Unfortunately, my mind is just on cruise control right now.

This isn’t my instructors’ fault in any way, just a psychological thing I need to push past. I mean, at first there was the rush of going back to college, and for something I enjoy to boot! Then there was learning new stuff in Networking and OS…

Now, I’m learning still, but the initial thrill is gone. I have no desire to quit, just no big drive to keep going.

I’ll stay with it, and things will pick back up. I just understand my son now when he grunts and rolls over in the morning. I do the same thing to Em.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2007-11-06

  • Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Fight Club – it’s like HBO loves Brad Pitt tonight. #