Archive: March, 2008

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-31

  • Spring is definitely here. The weather is cool, but not cold. Baseball season has started. I can’t wait for the pool to open! #
  • Weird. Someone from JP Morgan just did a search for my name. PS – I’m probably not who you’re looking for with that search. #
  • Time for Saint Louis Cardinals Baseball!!! #
  • Unfortunately, I have no way to listen to the game. I really can’t justify paying $15 to to hear a few games. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-28

  • It’s a very brisk morning. #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-27

  • ‘The Mist’ is the suck. #
  • Passed my mid-term! #

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-26

  • Perfect day outside. #
  • Cooling off, and now it’s starting to rain. Nice day while it lasted. #

If We Book Him, will they come?

I just noticed that Eddie Izzard is coming to Louisville on April 17th. I wonder if they would add a date for Mount Vernon. I also wonder if he would play such a small venue.

The major question is would anyone from around here go see his act. Granted, the man is hilarious and has a show on Fox, but that doesn’t mean the uber-conservative southern Illinois crowd will come out.

Generally, if it isn’t someone who is world-famous and popular that second, there isn’t much of an audience. Unless, of course, it is some beer-swilling, IQ-dropping person or band. If they can drop the average person’s IQ by 10 points, then everyone is excited to pay anything to be in the audience.

I suppose I’ll contact his management and see what the booking fees are and what kind of demands Eddie has in his riders. Judging from his persona, I doubt there is the conceit that most people have, but you never know.

Off I go…