Archive: March, 2008

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-19

  • I think I aced my Electronics test. #
  • It just won’t quit raining. I had to ford the highway to get to work. #
  • Do your part to reduce energy consumption. – PSA #
  • Still no luck looking for two people swept away after they dove into moving floodwater. #

And you wonder why flood warnings are constantly put out…

Apparently some people decided to try and ford some floodwater locally. They were driving through, and then decided to stop and back out.

One of the travelers lost her purse, and then all 3 were in the water according to reports. Another female companion managed to get out of the water, and called emergency workers. The other two are still being searched for at this hour.

This should serve as a cautionary tale to everyone. Don’t try to drive through floodwater. Don’t try to save your purse (it can be replaced).

Would you drive through this???

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-18

  • Windows permissions are not fun. I prefer chmod. #
  • Taking care of sick kids, wife, and trying to study for Electronics test. Wow, this is fun. #

Protect your WiFi – Strange commercial

I just saw a commercial whose tag was “Report Internet theft anonymously.”

Wow, there are so many things wrong with that statement I don’t know where to begin. One issue raised by the commercial is ‘How do you steal the Internet?’ The Internet cannot be stolen. Internet defined by AT&T – “The globally interconnected collection of IP protocol based networks.”

I mean, you could theoretically steal the servers that house the documents and media reached via the WWW, but this commercial is just trying to scare people.

What happens when Bobby beats Timmy at their next game? Can Timmy tell the “Internet Police” that Bobby is using his families’ WiFi and get them in trouble?

Yes, you can look at your access point and tell what MAC addresses are connected, but those are easily spoofed.

Just a couple of points about how horrible this commercial is and what kind of crap it could start.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-03-17

  • Looks like it’s Erich’s turn to be sick. Everyone is just playing tag. #
  • I hope Dave and Di survived the tornado through Atlanta. #
  • Ever run your keyboard through the dishwasher? Apparently you can. Just let it dry for a day or two. #
  • Only an hour and a half to go, but there is still so much to do. #
  • We need municipal WiFi. #
  • I can’t believe Darin talked me into posting his idiotic video. It is funny now that I have watched it 45 times. #
  • Sweet! Time to go home! This day went by very fast. Unfortunately, Electronics test tomorrow night. #