Archive: July, 2008
- Forgot how good Clerks II is to watch and just laugh. #
- @calilewis Where ’bouts in MO? #
- Em wants to see X-Files soooo baaaad. #
- Guess I’ll finish Family Guy and head to bed. #
- It’s a spectacular morning. Okay, at least it’s not baaaad. #
- Does anyone care about the new X-Files movie? #
- @lmastis Honk when you drive by Mount Vernon. #
- Ah, Friday afternoon. If only I didn’t have to get some things done. #
- Can’t wait until 5. #
- And it just keeps dragging… #
- Guitar Hero Tournament tomorrow if anyone cares. #
Last week I went to see the Dark Knight movie at a midnight showing. (horrible experience at Kerasotes that they vaguely apologized for) This week sees the new Will Ferrell movie, Hellboy, and X-Files waiting to tap my entertainment budget.
I have to say that I’m not in favor of any except Hellboy 2. Yes, Will’s movie will be entertaining and the X-Files is interesting from a nostalgic point. Other than those reasons I don’t see any need to go fork over my dollars to a facility that screwed up the Dark Knight premiere.
H2 looks to have campy humor, big villains, and the main character is a total smart-ass. Sounds like some solid entertainment. Will always puts out funny material (okay, except Kicking and Screaming), but there is nothing there to warrant the expense of seeing it on the big screen. X-Files sounds nice if you want to remember the 90’s, but it hasn’t shown me anything worth more than a rental at the video store.
Emily wants to go retro and see X-Files, so maybe I’ll get drug to that. Otherwise, is there really anything worth going to see? Not in my opinion.
- Need volunteers for the House of Horror. It’s always fun. #
- @calilewis Stop by South Illinois? :p #
- @calilewis I-57 and 64. #
- @lmastis Great, now there will be no twittering from TV personalities? #
- Today’s not bad so far. #
- @calilewis It’s flat. #
- Seen Dark Knight yet? #
- I need a soda. Never think to get one in Subway for some reason. #
- I keep feeling restless today. #
- My mind just went blank. #
- Great, now we’re bailing out idiots who financed poorly. Thanks, government. #
- Remember when the internet was fun? #
- When you have insomnia, you’re never really asleep, and you’re never really awake. #
- Took a nap. Now my sleep will be all blaaaah #
- Stupid dry contacts. #
- Apparently we have a pet bunny AND a pet bird now at work. #
- Got the firewalls ready to ship. #
- Time to go see how/what the family is doing at home. #
- Recording some podcast-y goodness. Lots of lovely news. #
- Another podcast out the door. #