Archive: July, 2008

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-07-10

  • @calilewis Anticipation much? #
  • Well, new podcast is up. Survived class, only 4 more to go. Then I get the Fall started on August 25th. Yay? #
  • Stupid internets. Always being flaky to keep network admins on their toes. #
  • @lmastis Anyone going to cover the massive internet outage from this morning? #
  • Now the Xerox WorkCentre is down. The cycle never ends. #

Wednesday Podcast 7-9-2008

Here’s a return-to-form podcast about current news and some upcoming things. I generally come off pervy, a bunny almost dies, and other, lesser things.

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-07-09

  • Headache for 3 days. I think it’s a tumah. #
  • Done with work for the day. Now it’s time to go inhale some lunch then record the podcast. Do I still have homework to do also? Crap. #
  • @calilewis Better than McDonalds. #
  • Recording some podcast. Yay. I think we’re finally back to normal. The content is picking back up. #
  • Podcast in the can. Soon I may be expanding the empire. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-07-08

  • Must go to The Dark Knight midnight showing. I can’t wait. #
  • Twitter needs to work on the damned spam! #
  • Headache since yesterday. It won’t die! #
  • So frustrated it’s not even funny. #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2008-07-07

  • Survived the family reunion. Finished a take-home exam. Now I’m doing laundry that I forgot about so I have clothes for work. Such fun. #
  • @calilewis I’m a little late here, but FF and Pownce both seem to be pointless to me. Obviously a lot like them, and kudos to those ppl. #
  • Phew. Moving users from one campus to another can be a workout. #
  • Wow. The moving and setup used up most of my day. Changing the backup tapes took the rest! #
  • So, I think I’ve figured it out. Twitter is micro, Tumblr is mini, and WordPress, etc. are base? #