Archive: January, 2009

Some griping about Kubuntu

Kubuntu, to be specific – Nepomuk and Strigi caused me a lot of headache. I have been using Kubuntu 8.10 since about 8/11. Generally I find it is safer to wait a month before jumping into updates, even with Linux.

I have loved the new KDE 4 interface after some adjusting, figuring out where things moved, and of course the obligatory customizing to my tastes. Unfortunately, things seemed to be moving very slowly compared to when I was using KDE 3.5. I attributed this to too many desktop effects since I only have an old Inspiron 8600 with an aged nVidia card.

With the effects cranked down the system was completely usable and great for my common net-centric activities like surfing, IM, etc. One night I was in class and goofing off. I had to crank up the effects and show them to my Mac and Win friends.

So, there I am tinkering and checking boxes to turn on flashy stuff, and my system slows to beyond unusable. At this point I am completely honked-off that I won’t be able to show-up my classmates because of some mystery problem that popped up between 3.5 and 4.

After a few minutes of cursing KDE in my mind, I decided to check what was sucking up so much CPU that it could drag my system to its knees. I opened Konsole and typed ‘top’. I could not believe my eyes. Right there at the top of my processes were Strigi and Nepomuk.

As soon as I went into System Settings and turned both of them off, my CPU usage dropped down to the normal 3-20% range. I haven’t bothered to do any research as to why, but with these enabled my system seems to peak out the processor.

With that rant out of the way, I highly suggest you take Kubuntu out for a spin if you haven’t. With this exception it has been an extremely sturdy and flashy system with only 1.5GB of RAM, a 16MB video card, and a 1.6Ghz mobile processor. I know the RAM is a bit high, but it ran fine with only 512MB – I just wanted to have breathing room. 🙂

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-01-27

  • Em brought home donuts this morning. Amaya didn’t want them with icing. Em said she could just scrape it off. #
  • Amaya is scraping icing off dounut. Me: “Sissy, icing isn’t that bad.” #
  • Amaya: (still scraping icing) “It’s the end of the world as we know it…” She didn’t even miss a beat. That’s your daily Amaya-ism. #
  • Decided to come home for break. #
  • #lastfm #love Say by John Mayer #
  • Best 1lb. steak ever. #
  • Dreading heading back to RLC tonight. Just cold and I don’t want to go tonight. #
  • Installing some SuSE. #
  • OMG. The local channel is calling this little ice storm “WINTER STORM ’09”. FFS. #
  • Pretty darn slick out. #
  • For those of you concerned, I did make it home. 😛 #

Premiere this Friday perhaps

I just received word from Jeremy that my first bit of writing for our local newspaper will probably be appearing this Friday. Yay, I’ll be somewhat legitimate.

My first bite will only be a short piece about who I am and some background information. Nothing too fancy, but it will let people know who I am and perhaps help them relate to me.

From there, we will see how evolution takes the writing and me through its life-cycle. Maybe it will move to a Q&A style, perhaps it will be me posting things I like, and perhaps it will just fizzle out into nothing.

Jeremy is going to put my work in the online area of the R-N I suppose. Guess print is too expensive for an un-proven bit of work such as myself.

If you don’t mind, go check my corner out and see what you think. If nothing else, the hits should show interest. 🙂

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-01-26

  • It’s been forever since I’ve watched Ace Ventura. #
  • Hopefully we can relax the day away. #
  • Watching my cartoons, and reading up on wireless. #
  • OMG. Chicken fight! #
  • Excellent video for those of us that work in an office: #
  • Classes from 8am to 10pm. What fun I shall have. Perhaps we shall get snowed out… #

Daniel’s Tweets for 2009-01-25