- Happy WiFi Day! #
- elect idiots who do nothing for us, and keep making themselves and their homies rich?
I was hoping for default, but that couldn't happen. #
- Well, the debt level we are letting our kids get f*cked over with by politicians that WE elect got increased again. How stupid are we to #
- They waited just long enough to drive up their gold investments, sell, and then invest in the stock market which should rebound nicely #
- Sorry for that last string of tweets. I only meant to update G+ and FB. #
- Thank you to all my new Twitter followers. I'm boring, opinionated, sometimes quiet, and a geek. You're welcome. #
- Senate Panel Keeps ‘Secret Patriot Act’ Under Wraps | Danger Room | Wired.com http://t.co/IUCDzSq #
- Just a note that if you @charter, you will get help from some great folks at Charter Communications. #
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