2011-09-24 Twitter Digest

  • Definitely ready for an intern here. #
  • It's cold like ice in this office. #
  • Never a dull moment in IT. #
  • Why do I get to be the sucker adopted by a stray kitten? #
  • Google+ drops invitation barrier, allows anybody to join http://t.co/NramkVZN via @arstechnica #
  • Excited to see @JohnGcomedy this Saturday in Mount Vernon. #doubledecliningdepreciation #
  • I keep Taco Bell in business. #YoureWelcome @JohnGcomedy @thehooch36 #
  • This is a shocking revelation. Less Play Time = More Troubled Kids, Experts Say – http://t.co/CdIAkDZ1 #
  • I think IT people are natural helpers. We like solving problems, and we know how many problems computers have. #
  • Ping.fm is now available as a plugin for Google Chrome. #
  • Welcome, Friday. Glad you decided to come back around. #
  • Foggy day in Trenton. #
  • Chances daily for a new laptop or $50 gift card. It's free, and I haven't noticed any spam. http://t.co/m9yNnMyA #
  • Only 2.5 hours to go… #
  • Come see @JohnGcomedy and @KeithAlberstadt tomorrow night in Mount Vernon. Tickets are only $10 and available now at MtV TV and Appliance. #
  • Computer has to be shipped to Cali Monday. Parts will be here Monday. Thx CDW. #
  • 3 hours later, but I'm finally down to one assignment that's due this weekend. Stupid BS. #