2012-03-10 Twitter Digest

  • When will we have a @twitlive app for Google TV? #
  • That was $250M poorly spent. | Hackers Steal Sony’s Archive Of Michael Jackson Tracks http://t.co/5EReCy2d #
  • If you do most of your banking online, why not use a cheaper bank that pays you? | Electric Orange checking http://t.co/c8CHPiRk #
  • Otter who raised orphaned pups, inspired law dies http://t.co/2dFEgCjm #
  • It's okay, they won't come after you. Really. | Hackers Winning Security War http://t.co/9sGSn0ZV #
  • FDA Okays Every Drug Pending Approval, Takes Rest Of Year Off http://t.co/Zoxs83FK #
  • I want this on a business card so I can hand it out. (also for Doug) http://t.co/mRSMLIYx #
  • Gives new meaning to 'plant yourself'. | Biodegradable urn grows a memorial tree/plant http://t.co/PNicsoKC #
  • Sad that it takes The Onion | Voters Slowly Realizing Santorum Believes Every Deranged Word That Comes Out Of His Mouth http://t.co/5YVyo7Tg #
  • A person who hates something and smiles on through is only delaying their psychotic break. – me #
  • But we need them jobs! | Walmart CEO Michael Duke's Pay: More in an Hour Than Workers Get All Year? – ABC News http://t.co/GBncRcWT #
  • I get what he's trying to say, but it's much easier to mock him. | Ron Paul: Tornado victims should have insurance http://t.co/b2zocx8s #
  • Give control to the Swiss. Problem solved? | Uncle Sam: If It Ends in .Com, It's .Seizable http://t.co/rl7JNz58 #
  • No, it was science you twit. | ‘It was just a freak incident,’ http://t.co/3MD0Br0F #
  • Hilarious headline. | Colbert: Rush Limbaugh is a Prostitute Who Will Do Anything With His Mouth for Cash http://t.co/79C0YLMx #
  • I call BS. | "… caused billions of dollars in damage to governments, international banks and corporations…" http://t.co/ZWZv4MP1 #
  • A Chart That Explains How Long Ago Star Wars Actually Took Place http://t.co/LOsMhK4V #
  • Grandma JWoww, tell us the story… http://t.co/0dtAD2QY #
  • Google's new all-in-one system for Android users. | Google Play http://t.co/7ZYOEBUB #
  • We want to save, but because you CAN install that coupon printer/toolbar does NOT MEAN YOU SHOULD. You realize they watch everything, right? #
  • Filth-ridden show – not for prudes. | J-me v Murph, Birth Control, Rush Steps in Shit http://t.co/CgFIrCho @TetheredHeather @SassyStewRants #
  • I have to admit that I consume most reading online. Do you read? | The (rapid) decline of the media industry http://t.co/3obhVob5 #
  • I'm so proud. | USA! USA! Panama City Beach takes bikini parade record back from Australia http://t.co/5IQISsVo http://t.co/IG9hqWUs #
  • I point only at neck tattoos and 'dude' in interviews. Appearances count. | Are young workers less professional? http://t.co/9p71LBFa #
  • Shouldn't you be thankful we coddle you? (in UK actually) | Amazing list of prisoners’ complaints http://t.co/bXFcodmL #
  • Always have your stuff when you need it with @Dropbox. 2GB account is free! http://t.co/4zfDmahz #
  • Your daily Star Wars link. | iPhone Cases http://t.co/ao3Ydso3 #
  • Watching my DVRed new #preppers episode. #
  • Cold Stone BOGO. | http://t.co/SzHuWK8O #
  • Amazing how much attention dumb shit gets today. | Sluts vote. GOP just now realizing this… | http://t.co/8shZrA0X #
  • And the clueless keep writing lies. Idiots. | Walpole company’s anonymity software aids illlicit deals http://t.co/N1IWu5KA #
  • Because you go on so many adventures. | The North Face Pamir WindStopper Gloves – $24.93 http://t.co/ptaA7PRP #
  • Just #4 is getting me another MPG. Not much, but it adds up for us long-commuters. | 10 Tips to Help You Save on Gas http://t.co/dsP11FBO #
  • Great advice. Pay particular attention to the second C, Facebook-generation! | The Three Cs to Getting Any Job http://t.co/niO0lT2a #
  • This can help you understand how things work a little better. | DNS Explained http://t.co/o5lQl7uP #
  • Your daily Star Wars link. I'd like to hang these as art in my house, but I'm a nerd. http://t.co/6nqDEGz7 #
  • Yeah, it's another stupid picture that you won't find funny. | Dale has never been more right. http://t.co/2uUWSSlQ #
  • Need a burner or cheap backup? | AT&T GoPhone $15.99 Free Ship http://t.co/zBffC92H #
  • Entertainment Writer Has Knack For Making Complex Pop Culture Concepts Accessible To Lay Readers http://t.co/j3BStkJr #
  • They forgot 'make them work in IT'. | How to completely, utterly destroy an employee’s work life http://t.co/eWbXnJL6 #
  • In today's news of the stupid… | steal judge's nameplate and then post a photo on Facebook http://t.co/Wlvov92E #
  • It's so true. So true… | New Father Remembers Time When Baseball Wasn't So Goddamn Meaningful http://t.co/n12AGoOR #
  • Maybe you know them all, maybe you don't. | 30 Ways to Get Money Fast http://t.co/4pGSmtoA #
  • Change to a place that acts more like a co-op. | 10 Reasons Credit Unions Are Better Than Banks http://t.co/v7225CK3 #
  • THIS is why people who could pay, pirate movies. | I tried to watch Game of Thrones and this is what happened http://t.co/j65CcN90 #
  • But it's piracy that is killing the artists… | Sony Pays 8 Million to Settle with Allman Brothers, Cheap Trick http://t.co/VEWxC1P2 #