- @LindseyMastis Television or cable/satellite? We did the latter 6 mos ago. in reply to LindseyMastis 07:25:33
- Apparently this is a big deal here http://t.co/cg4oodYp6t 09:03:06
- Salespeople at work. https://t.co/pWDhrNXqGX 10:30:15
- Quote of the day: "Dad! I just bought a bullwhip!" 10:44:23
- RT @optimusgene: @supershell666 @TetheredHeather @OldManRobR J-Me only 2 days left to enter the Fall Winter Movie Game. http://t.co/CPOfPs4… 15:51:31
- RT @optimusgene: Only 2 days left to enter the Fall Winter Movie Game. Congress still can't make a decision but you can. ENTER TODAY! http:… 15:51:50
- @GrantImahara has a great interview with @iyaz on #Triangulation. #GettingInTouchWithFans 16:34:09
- Here's a thought. http://t.co/EVZu2puLRU 19:05:41
- While I miss working a haunted house, I now might have time to visit others. I hate lines. Anyone have advice on what to see? 19:35:57
- Kitty cleanings never end. https://t.co/bbj81ubNGh 20:46:52
- Shameful perhaps, but I like Hancock. 21:42:43
Archive: October, 2013
- Long-term entitlements and a deterioration in revenues have caused our nation's federal debt issue. 10:01:02
- Lets go Cardinals! Pirates at Cardinals has started. Starting Pitchers: PIT G Cole vs. STL L Lynn. Tune to MLBN … http://t.co/3kvFgPoUdE 12:22:17
- Gather those old tax returns, computers, folders, and whatever else you have to responsibly dispose of it!
- About to watch Fright Night 2 with the awesome @MsJaimeMurray. 19:33:26
- RT @optimusgene: Only 4 days left to enter the Fall / Winter Movie Game! http://t.co/CPOfPs4mim Need help picking your team? http://t.co/65… 09:05:03
- .@jasonhowell Maybe put the Glass news into a Glass Bowl? It was funny in my head. 09:12:47
- This day rocks! 13:31:38
- Lets go Cardinals! Pirates at Cardinals has started. Starting Pitchers: PIT A Burnett vs. STL A Wainwright. Tune… http://t.co/taXEcVXBdb 16:16:45
- @acedtect About time you put up some @Cardinals gear. 😉 Good game so far. #12in13 18:36:10
- @omgchad Birth to release of a show episode sounds very cool. 19:25:05
- If they can hold out two more weeks. Come on, Congress, go all the way! 20:47:47
- RT @UberFacts: Orgasms can lower a woman's risk of heart disease, breast cancer, stroke and depression. 20:49:23
- I keep expecting 'Welcome to Silent Hill' to appear out of the fog. 07:15:43
- A Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer is to computing what a McDonald's Certified Food Specialist is to fine cuisine. 08:11:49
- In case I didn't invite someone… http://t.co/1V4bXiOcTB 08:20:13
- RT @optimusgene: The government is still shut down but we're going strong! Only 5 days left to enter the Fall / Winter Movie Game! http://t… 09:35:13
- RT @UberFacts: Today is National Name Your Car Day! 12:09:21
- RT @UberFacts: 52% of women claim they would rather be skinny than have sex. 12:10:05
- .@shwood I just caught your SZ evaluation of BrBa. I agree. It was good (enough), but I expected something fast and amazing. #SlowStory 12:13:29
- Lean Cuisine 'braised beef in chili sauce with sweet potatoes' tastes as bad as it sounds. 12:40:28
- Is the Play store down for anyone else? I'm getting kinda ticked. I can't buy/install anything. 16:49:33
- RT @UberFacts: A french study states that women are better off without bras – Bras do not decrease back pain and can increase sagging. 20:51:27
- You're going to record us? We will now be model citizens. http://t.co/KfnJJ6LRh7 21:42:39
- RT @OMGFactsSex: 44% of women prefer reading about sex versus actually HAVING sex. 22:20:08
- Are Apple Bottoms Jeans still a thing?
My contribution to wayback Wednesday. 22:27:46
- RT @acedtect: Dear tech news website, I will always close your page immediately if you autoplay a video ad and I will avoid your site from … 09:37:42
- @optimusgene That's why I'm hoping for a default to kick it off. #LoveTheShutdown in reply to optimusgene 09:38:29
- @optimusgene I'm kinda weepy. #iGoogle has been my homepage for years. in reply to optimusgene 09:40:17
- RT @baconNmeggs: The biggest lesson I learned from last year's homeless stint is that Taco Bell delivers if you live in your car 09:40:33
- RT @thehooch36: Ahem….take thirty seconds and enjoy my mischief. #GBR #Huskers https://t.co/w02udcvgRU 09:41:11
- @stltoday And it's awesome! Now we need to double-up and get the default. THEN perhaps something will change. #Hope in reply to stltoday 09:43:13
- RT @UberFacts: Michigan State University researchers have found that the more friends a person has on Facebook, the less they probably have… 09:49:19
- Here's to hoping for no action by Congress until at least the 18th. 10:11:30
- RT @optimusgene: I just sent an email to my campus & left out the word 'are' so it read; "They working on it." #idiot 10:49:33
- RT @OMGFactsSex: Women's orgasms last almost four times as long as men's 15:50:00
- RT @optimusgene: The government shut down, but the Fall / Winter Movie Game is going strong. Enter today! http://t.co/CPOfPs4mim 15:52:31
- @AP Pussies. in reply to AP 15:52:59
- There's a light in your eye that keeps shining 17:16:21
- RT @TheOnion: Last Thing Government Worker Needed Was Agency Labeling Him ‘Nonessential’ http://t.co/gLnDaNioZ3 19:09:02
- RT @OMGFactsSex: Only 6 percent of the male population needs extra-large condoms In other words, 94 percent of men lie. 19:11:37
- Recording @BigKevsView tonight with @OldManRobR and me! #podcast http://t.co/Eishrcm89J 20:15:13
- Agents of SHIELD had a cameo guest tonight. Kinda cool. 23:42:01