- C'mon, guy. We NEED to watch everything everyone does because terrorism.
Freedom Act for NSA reform is voted down
- Wow. FreedowmWorks has no idea…
Here Is The Most Misleading Video You’re Likely To See About Net Neutrality http://t.co/LnXVxlbqLL 10:30:25
- Global warming? Myth.
Gun control? NEEDED.Maybe not.
How People's Political Passions Distort Their Reality
http://t.co/K6Y3274qVK 14:30:30 - The New ‘Normal Barbie’ Comes With an Average Woman’s Proportions — And Cellulite Sticker Accessories http://t.co/60HOha3UpM 15:30:40
- Smartphone encryption could lead to death of a child, government claims
http://t.co/9Bt6HrBQeC 17:30:01 - @DaveVoyles Pathetic. in reply to DaveVoyles 18:51:02
- Headache like I haven't had in four years. This won't end well. 19:20:08
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