- Thief who 'robbed pensioner with knife' is stripped naked and clingfilmed to a lamppost | Metro News http://t.co/qd0BMnlcNM 15:30:16
- @MotorolaSupport Most are fine in SM. Chrome does it when you open a page, but SM overlay is still showing, so it is likely software. in reply to MotorolaSupport 16:43:07
- @MotorolaSupport On it. Where should I submit it? #ThanksForYourHelp in reply to MotorolaSupport 17:04:28
- People are already making awesome fan art for Star Wars: The Force Awakens | The Verge http://t.co/MLZTyDBWKJ 18:55:01
- .@NBC really needs to #SaveConstantine and order the back nine. It's a good show with promise, and I'm not even a fan. 20:18:48
- @LindseyMastis I strongly recommend using SpinRite from @sggrc. It has saved many drives that I thought were toast in my career. in reply to LindseyMastis 20:21:20
- RT @neiltyson: #WhenIWasYourAge: Religion was taught in Sunday School, not in your Science Classroom. 22:17:19
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