- Damn. Well, hopefully they de-fund later.
DHS Dodges Partial Shutdown With 1-Week Extension http://t.co/9xLZ79hGFa 08:15:16
- Awww, somebody upset?
The United States Is Angry That China Wants Crypto Backdoors, Too http://t.co/07Zd5nONE1 09:30:20
- This is a great idea.
Beaufort police offer lobby for Craigslist transactions http://t.co/xpPuPToAKD 11:30:22
- Article is copied from WSJ.
WSJ: The Misbegotten Crusade Against E-Cigarettes http://t.co/w0uobEhvhv 13:30:39
- "We present results and analysis from a large scale exact stochastic dynamical simulation of a zombie outbreak. " http://t.co/FgBTx695Uy 15:30:11
- Or not if you're Ted Cruz.
First Direct Observation of CO2 Increasing Greenhouse Effect at the Earth’s Surface http://t.co/tyP1FehAtQ 17:30:19
- Sounds like at least 20 years too late.
Mikulski to retire from Senate after 30 years http://t.co/EjW9VhZcm5 18:10:10
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