Category: Technology

School’s back

Or rather, I’m back at school. The classes aren’t so bad, just long. I’ve never been one to sit for 3-5 hours, and that’s how long my classes are this semester.

It gets kind of hard on one’s bum after awhile, but at least I have pretty good instructors. They all seem to care about how we do and offer themselves to help as much as possible.

Cisco has to be the worst since it is 5 hours straight-through. I’m sure I’ll survive, just wanted to whine a little. 🙂

Another day, another DayQuil

Well, after 3 days of failing machines, failing updates, etc., the workstation is up and running. Everything is working, and all is well.

Now I’m working on another workstation that has issues all of a sudden. The life of IT is never boring, to be sure. Seems once we get a fire put out, a new one arises.

On a personal note, I am sick. It’s just a cold, but it is successfully making me miserable. I took NyQuil last night and it was a wonderful coma. I am still sick, but last night I actually slept.

Today I took DayQuil, and it helped a tiny bit, but not as well as I would like. Thank you for putting up with me dear.

I’m an “A” Student!!!

It’s semi-official, I’m an A student.  I checked the RLC website, and my grades are posted. I did get one B, but the other grades pull it up to an A as well. Now I can breathe a sigh of relief.

All of my core courses are out of the way. The rest of my classes are IT-specific, so they are more what I am at ease with now. Psychology, Speech, Rhetoric and Composition, etc. were fine and I did well enough, but I’m much happier in my geek classes.

Cisco has given me my letters and certificates for CCNA 1 & 2. Now success is a matter of completing the rest and taking their certification exams. Maybe I’ll take the A+ exam this summer and get it out of the way.

I don’t know if any of my instructors read this, but thank you all.

Good news, and I’m nervous as well

I get to keep working at EcoDigital/United Science this spring. I was unsure about whether they would keep me on after the fall semester, but they seem pleased with me and my work. Also, the co-op is paying 1/2 my wage through RLC. I’m sure that didn’t hurt my chances.

I am happy that worry is off my shoulders. Now I’m just left to study for finals and stress over those scores. My only real concern is the final in Cisco. Mr. Robinson has done all he can to help us and get us prepared. Now we just have to prove that we know what we’re doing to Cisco.

I think I have the real-world applications down from this semester. Unfortunately Cisco likes to be tricky and ask questions that don’t have much in the way of real-world-everyday applications. Still, it’s their course and certification, so I’m in it for the long haul.

Please wish me luck!!!

Welcome, to the United States of KGB

I love our government. Well, I love the idea of our government. Unfortunately the dictator-regime in power has removed any semblance of that great idea.

As we speak, the government listens to phone calls, reads email, and tracks our web-movements – all without any kind of warrant. Now we have an intelligence (I use that term loosely) official publicly stating what was said in the “fiction” movie Enemy of the State.

He believes that privacy can no longer mean anonymity. Basically, you should let the government see/hear everything you do, and trust them to securely track that information. Don’t worry, America, your government is in control.

Yeah, the government has such a great history of doing a great job. What is the national debt up to these days? How many weapons were found in Iraq? Where is Osama? How slow was GW to act over 9/11? Has the CDC cured anything lately?

Yeah, trust the dictatorship America, they’ll do what’s best.