Twitter Updates for 2007-05-18

  • Bright sunny day. Amaya graduates today. She’s excited. #

Twitter Updates for 2007-05-17

  • Two calls today. Hardee’s for lunch. #

Renshaw reqests recount

Mount Vernon City Council candidate Kent Renshaw has requested a recount of some precincts from the April election. According to the certified results, Kent came in 10 votes shy of the candidate in front of him.

In the interest of disclosure, I have spoken to Kent several times and did support him in his bid for election.

With that out of the way, I agree with the recount. There are several reasons that I would have requested one under these circumstances:

  • Diebold machines have been shown to repeatedly be tampered with
  • Machines only function as well as their makers (people)
  • Votes may not have been tallied properly due to a power surge
  • 10 voters may need to be disqualified

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. With such a close race, the votes need to be examined more carefully to ensure correct results.

Several hundred or several thousand votes wouldn’t likely require a recount, but I think 10 votes do require one.

There are now two more authors here

Emily and Dave are now authors on this blog. I can’t honestly tell you when/what/how much they will post, but they can if they want. Perhaps this will prod them in to writing a little introduction or something.

All three of us have different opinions on different subjects, so this could prove interesting. In case you haven’t kept up, I’m geeky with Libertarian/conservative leanings. Em is more liberal and outspoken. Dave is conservative as near as I’ve been able to tell.

I’m hoping I can drag them into some posts about things that matter and we can argue in the comments with each other. If nothing else, it will serve to entertain me.

WordPress 2.2 is nice

I haven’t come across any significant changes that affect me, but it is much snappier I think. The menus and loading of the pages just seem faster to me.

All of my plugins seem to be working just fine. I’m only running 10 or so, but they came right on over with the upgrade and have no issues.

I did have an issue where my Dashboard page wasn’t appearing properly, but thanks to the great support at Total Choice Hosting, it was solved within minutes. Apparently, wp-includes did not overwrite properly. That was causing the Dashboard error.

Thanks to Bruce and Joe over on the forums. If anyone is looking for hosting with great customer service and excellent prices, go check them out. You will not be disappointed. Their great support and helpful attitude are why I keep a link for them on my TLD page. It’s not paid, but they have paid for it with outstanding help.

(I’m expecting my check in the mail, Bruce.)