- @HARVEYGUILLEN where can one send fan mail (autograph request)? You are great! Keep up the wonderful work. 18:06:48
- @HARVEYGUILLEN got it. Thank you! in reply to HARVEYGUILLEN 20:38:32
Well today I ventured out to scrounge some toilet paper. We’re now down to Charmin Essentials and there are only 4 rolls total. Two Wal-marts, Target, and a Schnucks later I was able to find one four-pack of WM house paper. I’m sure it will be equivalent to sandpaper, but oh well.

Target did have some Bounty paper towels in the giant pack so that’s the final line of defense, minus unmatched socks (ew). Here’s to hoping people reign in their crazy before it gets to that point.
The kids are coping well, even the furry ones. For some reason Tiger looks fat in this picture, but she most definitely isn’t. Molly is though. I’m dealing with typical adulting stress with the layoff and bills and I forgot to get cat food and and and…
You get the point. Pretty sure we’ll all come out of this unscathed but it is an interesting time to be living. I hope we learn to keep some supplies on hand in the future. A tornado, or flood, or earthquake – any of these are more than capable of disrupting daily life and causing us to stretch a little further than normal. Keep that in mind.
Now, where’s my quarantini…
- I actually wrote something. Maybe some posts about living through this quarantine are in order… 10:12:04
- Sometimes I hate technology.

So, today I took stock and we’re down to a couple of rolls of toilet paper and 1/4 roll of paper towels. Kinda pissed at the idiots who cleared the shelves and caused supply lines to be all askew.
Normally I have a lot of paper products on hand because we won’t ever not use them. TP is a staple similar to milk, eggs, and flour. Unfortunately I was just letting our supply run because I do normally have a stockpile and I hadn’t seen any good deals lately.
Enter COVID-19 and BOOM – idiots hoarding. Now I’m in a house with 3 people and 4 pets and no paper supplies.
On the positive side, we are solid on food staples except meat. The butcher was charging about $6/# for ground beef. Luckily I found another shop only charging $4/#, but we still yet may be moving to vegetarian whether willingly or not.
However, everyone is in good health and for that I’m thankful. It’s also comforting that we should be able to ride this out in our home, and not everyone is so lucky. I hope anyone who reads this is doing well. If I can be of assistance in this trying time, please let me know.