Archive: April, 2007

Dark Brown

Who would think that such a simple color could cause so much needless press coverage. Apparently some translation program incorrectly translated “dark brown” to “nigger brown”. It was just a mistake made by a computer program. There was no malice or racism by any person, just something lost in translation.

Unfortunately, the woman who purchased the sofa now says she demands reparations. How retarded is that? A simple translation that was done innocently, and she thinks she is owed money. Why is she owed money? Because she read the tag?

Just because I buy a car and it says “cracker white” under the trunk lid does not mean I’m going to get paid by Hyundai. This is, in my opinion, just another case of “I’m the victim, pay me” syndrome. Kind of like the twit who spilled hot coffee on her lap and then sued McDonald’s because it was hot. I bet if she hadn’t spilled it and it wasn’t hot, she would have run back to that same McDonald’s and complained.

The same logic applies here. Just because the furniture store sold a sofa, does not make it responsible for a tag with a racial slur. Heck, no one is liable for this instance. Unless you count the translation-software company, and I doubt they can be sued for how others use their technology (see how the MPAA tried to squash VCRs when they first appeared).

Shouldn’t we realize that this was another funny translation mistake, laugh, and move on? People are so lazy, they would rather sue than actually work for their money. And we wonder why the US is bankrupt.

The election is over this time around

Well, Mount Vernon has its first female mayor by ~200 votes. To be honest, I’m shocked that Ms. Chesley won. I am happy she did, as I think she will do a great job for the citizens, but I never expected her to pull it out. I didn’t witness any campaigning or hear of any first hand. I only saw signs posted. Apparently enough people either wanted her or at least some change to elect her to the position of mayor. I wish her the very best!

The school referendum was trounced thoroughly. I have mixed feelings on this decision. On one side, we DO need a new school or massive renovation and upgrades. On the other side, this rushed-together proposal with “gifts” from the city was nowhere near the way it should be done. The school district must look at ways to trim the budget and hopefully create a surplus. If they don’t have a surplus, they will never convince me that they can afford anything.

Taxes cannot continue to be raised, and raised, and raised. You have to eventually stop and realize that the economy can only handle so much taxation. Otherwise, you will wind up with taxes for every taxing-body that equal over 100% of your pay/assets. At that point, where do you get the money to pay these taxes? You can’t.

City council elections were a wash for my preferences. Burgan and Wood both won, and I was hoping for Heck/Renshaw. At the very least, Burgan/Renshaw would have been okay in my mind. Unfortunately, Burgan and Wood will bring more high-dollar people to the council.

It isn’t that I mind “rich” people on council, what flips my switch is when they aren’t in touch with the issues close to the majority of citizens. An example is the Mitchell Museum – I like that it is there and I believe art is very important to people. What I don’t care for is the MM asking the city to support it by giving funds or favors.

Another example is the city paving the parking lot of Peoples National Bank. Now, this has never been proven to me, but I have yet to hear it rebuked by any official or the bank. You can only hear a story so many times before you start believing it or wondering if it is true.

Also, Mrs. Holt was elected unopposed. While I don’t think she is a bad person at all, I do think she needs to learn about conflict of interest. Well, maybe not. Dave and Rick never did call for a vote about putting the city’s “gift” to the school district on the ballot. So, she just stated her opinion, and did not actually participate in a vote related to her conflict of interest. Looks like that ploy didn’t work.

The job search

Well, I don’t have any interviews scheduled yet, but I have had a few touch-backs about my resume. Granted, nothing could come of these, but it is nice to have a nibble on the hook.

Up until now, I had been pinning my hopes on working my days at General Tire or Walgreens. They are both good companies with regionally good pay, but I prefer geek-work. While I could work at either place and be reasonably happy, I would rather figure out why someone’s email isn’t working or replace a HDD.

For some reason I enjoy tech-related news, politics, and hobbies. I mean, how many people set up SAMBA servers on their home network for the benefit of two users?

The blog, she lives! (Google’s page rank is funny)

Well, I’m still amazed at how many unique hits I’m getting on here. We’re up to 735+ unique visitors this month, and it is barely half over. Over 700 stayed longer than a minute (the others were probably spam-bots or got here by accident).

Unfortunately, not too many people are using the RSS feeds to subscribe. Just so you know, I would really appreciate it if you did. I count those as real readers since I can be sure that they are reading at least a little.

Something I do find really cool is that over 45% of the people who visit my site are using Firefox, and about 20% are using Internet Explorer. I guess a lot of you are more “tech-savvy” and go out and get your own browser. Maybe the others like the changes in IE7, who knows. Not too many Opera users ~7%.

The main reason I wanted to make this post is that Google has me as the top 2 results when searching for “mvths on the move” at the time I write this article. Go to Google and check, I’ll wait. See? It is odd that they don’t have the site with the same name made by the committee as the first result. At least to me it seems odd. Now, go do a search for “dan voyles”. I come up third. I don’t get how that happens, but it does.

Guess search engines aren’t the best answer to finding information. However, the top five results will usually get you close to what you need.

I’m going to sit here and chuckle about this for a few more minutes.

UPDATE: I am actually off the front page now in results for “mvths on the move”. Guess I was just there when it mattered – before the vote.

UPDATE 2: I’m now the top result again, and I’m still the third result for my own name.

Election Day is here again

Today is the day for local elections. We’ve got mayor, council, and the bond referendum on the ballot. I certainly hope there will be a huge turnout at the polls.

The races and referendum have become very heated topics over the past 6 months or so around this area. I just hope that good people get elected and do the best they can to help this city and the people who live here.

In the mayoral race, I personally believe that either candidate will do well for this city. In the council races, I prefer Renshaw and Heck. Kent just seems to be a nice guy from when I’ve chatted with him. Rick has had some problems in his past, but I think he has improved his life greatly and he seems to try and represent the citizens.

I won’t say anything about the bond referendum, but if you’ve read this or know me you know I’m opposed to the way it is being presented.

So, if you live around here, GO VOTE!