Category: Mount Vernon

Thank you, everyone who is reading!

I would seriously like to thank all of you who are reading this blog. I know you’re out there, I can hear you breathing. (Actually, I can see your visits in the IP logs and hit counters.)

We are easily on pace to break the 2,000 unique-visitor mark this month, not including search engines. I have even heard from a few people in person how they like reading my blog. I’m getting a good feeling from all of this positive feedback, and I wanted to say thank you to you all.

RSS subscriptions are up, unique hits are up, repeat hits are up, viewed pages are up, and I’m hearing good feedback. My day is going pretty well. I would really appreciate if you would subscribe to the RSS feed if you repeat visit instead of using bookmarks. It isn’t that hard, and I know over 1/2 of you are using Firefox. Firefox has a built-in reader, just click on the radio icon on the right.

Thank you all again! Use the comments, talk to Dave, subscribe to the RSS feed, and have fun while you’re here!

Boy, a company keeps a lot of junk in 12 years

We just finished shredding 10,000 pounds of paper. If it was paper or plastic (discs) it was shredded. Apparently this company has collected a lot of stuff in its 12 year life.

Now, there is nothing to clear out but the cubicles, desks, and office supplies. Those will all be sold “bulk” to the highest bidder. There are a few gems in the mix, but most of it is just standard junk like staplers, 3-hole punch, etc.

All of us agree it was pretty tiring. Especially in the heat with no A/C. Oh well, it is over and we had fun destroying. Ever notice how destruction is more fun than building?

Renshaw reqests recount

Mount Vernon City Council candidate Kent Renshaw has requested a recount of some precincts from the April election. According to the certified results, Kent came in 10 votes shy of the candidate in front of him.

In the interest of disclosure, I have spoken to Kent several times and did support him in his bid for election.

With that out of the way, I agree with the recount. There are several reasons that I would have requested one under these circumstances:

  • Diebold machines have been shown to repeatedly be tampered with
  • Machines only function as well as their makers (people)
  • Votes may not have been tallied properly due to a power surge
  • 10 voters may need to be disqualified

I could go on and on, but you get the idea. With such a close race, the votes need to be examined more carefully to ensure correct results.

Several hundred or several thousand votes wouldn’t likely require a recount, but I think 10 votes do require one.

We’re here, we’re poor, but we need a new school

Just a little post to rant about the backward-ass way this county thinks…

Jefferson County has the highest crime rate south of Interstate 70.

That was a statement from Jefferson County Sheriff Roger Mulch in today’s paper about possible budget cuts as the county is broke.

Less than 30 days ago, a small group of citizens were trying to convince us that we could afford a new high school. How can we afford to pay for a new school when we can’t even afford to keep them safe?

I know that more police does not necessarily equal more safety, cutting officers from a small force is definitely not the answer either.

One of the “FAQ”s on the site was that the county instituted a small tax to pay for whatever, and the new tax by Mount Vernon City would not be noticed once that tax was gone. Also, they were quick to point out that there was no property tax to pay for the jail.

First, the county can choose to keep their tax in place and renew it. Then the tax just keeps on going. Huh, guess they would just say “It’s not our fault, it’s the county’s fault” when it was renewed AND we had the extra tax to pay for the city’s “donation” and the new property tax.

Second, they state there is no property tax to pay for the jail, but that is to distract you from the current tax that IS paying for the jail that is losing money.

Just a little note about how a select few were trying to push a new high school on the citizens with disinformation and well-spun propaganda.

Another stellar blog month (for me)

1759. That’s how many unique hits I had on my site, not including search engines, in April.

Yeah, if you’ve been around the web long, that’s not really impressive. To me though, I’m kinda proud. Since my blog is not well-known, and probably never will be, that’s a great number. I have noticed some interesting things in the stats for last month:

1. Most of the followed links that come in are from the Register-News forums.
2. The hits that I get are over 1/2 from our local area (using IP lookups).
3. The people that come and look usually come back (judging by IPs again).
4. About 1/2 of my hits are from direct links (bookmarks or typing the address in).
5. Of the Google searches, I am still getting lots of hits from “mvths on the move”.
6. Of the Google searches, most of my hits are for the local blog articles, not the geek ones.
7. Most of my readers (63.3%) use Windows, followed by Linux (28%), and Mac (0.7%).
8. Most of my visitors (38.3%) use Firefox, followed closely by Internet Explorer (27.6%), and Mozilla (9.2%) is third.

Just some worthless facts that I thought I would share with you. Mostly, I’m excited that I appear to have a little readership developed around here. Unfortunately, not too many people are using the comments, but that comes with time I suppose.

Please subscribe via the RSS links in the right hand column, and use the comments section. Say what you want, but try to keep it PG-13. There may be kids aboot.