Category: Politics

213 Things Skippy is not allowed… – Revisited

I was flipping through my bookmarks and came across this gem. Some of you may not get all of these, or they may be a little ‘weird’ for your taste. Personally, I find this list totally hilarious.

Here’s a sample:

127. “No Drinking Of Alcoholic Beverages” does not imply that a Jack Daniel’s ® IV is acceptable.

128. “Shpadoinkle” is not a real word.

129. The Microsoft ® “Dancing Paperclip” is not authorized to countermand any orders.

130. “I’m drunk” is a bad answer to any question posed by my commander.

These are just a few of the hilarious items I can’t believe were tried/questioned/etc. Please go check out the site to read the rest of the list and hopefully laugh a little while you’re at it – I know I did.

Well, there’s more 1984 coming

In order to fight terror and prevent another 9/11 we must pass more laws to restrict and/or intercept communications on the web. The government needs no proof that there may be or is a crime in progress to tap communications in any way they see fit. Everyone must be watched if the government sees fit.

“Our” congress is considering even more legislation to enable the government and pointless ‘DHS’ to watch anything done electronically. It’s not bad enough that the ‘Patriot Act’ ripped the Constitution to shreds and basically voided any rights we used to have as Americans, now they are continually proposing new legislation to create more possibilities for the government to illegally monitor what Joe Public is doing.

For the most part, I don’t give a crap if they know I was looking at plasma TV’s or reading about the latest celebrity gossip. Unfortunately, what happens when I decide I DO care? Does the government have the right to sit and monitor everywhere I go and everything I do? No.

What personal communications I have and what I do is my business, not the Fed’s. Just because we use bits and bytes today instead of couriers does not mean that the government can change the rules mid-stream and start intercepting communications willy-nilly.

We keep plummeting down this hole and no one seems to realize it. The depression is coming shortly (look at the dollar value and ‘stimulus package’), crime will increase (out of desparation), and they will point to the high crime as a reason to enact more strict laws. That’s just my prediction.

I certainly hope I am wrong, but that’s just what I fear from what I see happening today.

Pay the government day has passed again

April 15th has come and gone. Millions of Americans have filled out their yearly paperwork for the government to track how much was made and paid to them.

Unfortunately, these same Americans overpay the government all year long. This makes for a refund the following spring, but it also makes for an interest-free loan to the US and state governments for about a year. Is this something most people can afford? No, they are just ignorant of this fact. Maybe they even realize it and just ignore the loan.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take an interest-free loan any day of the week. Do you really think that we need to be giving the government such a loan?

I guess my point in writing this is that we should all make sure our W-4 forms on file at our employers are correct. Yes, you should probably be very careful when calculating the number of allowances, and maybe even reduce it by one or two just to not wind up owing the government next spring.

Also, if you are like I used to be and can’t save by yourself, the government will be more than happy to hold it for you until next spring. For some people that works out better than trying to save for themselves.

Just please be aware that your dollars will do much better (I hope) in your hands than in the government’s coffers. I have been doing a lot of research about saving v investing, and saving is a sucker’s game.

Yes, you get a small interest rate (~5.15% on my last CD), but the returns on investing in Gold, currency, the stock market, etc. are much better rates than that. Now, the CD or savings rates are guaranteed and markets are up and down, so only invest (or gamble) what you can afford to lose. Now, you will likely eventually make your money back at the very least if you can wait long enough, but never gamble everything at once just in case you need to liquidate some money fast.

My advice for the day: Invest in some silver. It’s cheaper than gold and much more likely to double in value faster.

Disclaimer: I am no kind of financial representative, and these are just my opinions.

Obama Speaks the Truth

Wow. I can’t believe a politician actually announced how they feel about “us”. Apparently Obama stated how ignorant and worthless (interpret it for yourself) the general public is, and is now having to cover his ass.

The scene was a ‘private’ fundraiser with his rich supporters. He made his speech. Word got out afterward about his blunder.

I’m just impressed that he had the balls to express how the politicians feel about the public. Unfortunately, he is now going to cover up as best he can. I would have had more respect for him if he would have just stuck with how he feels. I still wouldn’t vote for the man, but I would have respected him for telling the truth.

Almost as sad is the fact that Hillary and McCain are trying to spin this in their favor. All of them could not care less about you and I, but they are jumping on Obama to get their own gain. Pitiful.