Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-04

  • At least it’s not raining today. Rend Lake is up quite a bit. #

It’s good that our Presidential candidates are down to earth…

Seeing the Clintons’ tax returns make me so angry. It’s not like we all don’t know they are millionaires, but damn.

People wonder why our government is so screwed up, and yet we keep electing these super-elite to make laws and decisions representing us. Does GWB, Hillary, Barack, McCain, hell – ANY politician care if you live or die? Nope.

They only care slightly how they can twist your demographic to dislike them less than the other person.

We wonder how our government wound up bankrupt and worthless, yet we have a monkey who can’t effectively speak as president, and a dying senior citizen as vice president. Oh, and don’t forget Karl Rove pulling the strings behind the curtain.

Next up we have McCain and Hillary/Barack. Wow, great choices there.

When was the last time one of them had a real life? I mean something like you and I have every day. Even a low-level executive position? Precisely.

I can’t wait for the second American Revolution. I really hope it is political rather than a war, but it has to happen. Our government is disgusting with the national debt impossible/unwilling to recover from, politicians who only care about staying in power to get richer, public that is too lazy to do ANYTHING to save this nation…

Wow, I’m fired-up about this subject.

And now for something to scare you (It’s weird)

There are a few good points in this video, but you have to laugh at how out there it is in the way it is presented.

Dan’s Twitter Updates for 2008-04-02

  • It’s like throwing darts at a list of issues every morning. #
  • Windy and cool again today. Still nice in the sun though. #

Is autism caused by vaccines?

Frankly, I have no clue. Since I have not been personally affected by this condition, I am not up to speed on the research and theories.

From what I have read, both sides have compelling arguments. Even questions that I have asked of a couple of doctors are split. No one has been able to conclusively prove nor disprove the relationship between vaccines and autism. At least not in my opinion.

CNN has a few articles on the topic. Here is a quote from one of them: “Vaccines save lives,” countered Dr. Julie Gerberding, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, after the Poling decision was announced in March. “The most reputable scientists around the world have looked at this situation over and over again, and they have stated that they cannot see an association between vaccines and autism.”

What my narrow mind can cull from that statement is absolutely nothing. I mean, in my point of view, “the most reputable scientists around the world…” thought at one time that the world was flat and the center of the universe.

Think about it, at one time or another, many great certainties have been proven incorrect. Of course I can’t be the one to say there is a relationship or not. Heck, the world could still be flat for all I know. I haven’t sailed it or been into space to look around.

My only point is that this is something worthy of research and investigation. Perhaps even extreme caution. Even one child developing autism as a result of a vaccine against something they may be exposed to is too many. Think about it and do your own research.