Category: Legislation

The Monday Show – 6/23/2008

The trio of Kevin, Emily, and I are back round-tabling a wide span of topics. Lots of sad news for some reason involving bad people doing bad things. Also, a great site for kid’s party ideas.

Thanks for looking, and listen at your own risk.

Well, there’s more 1984 coming

In order to fight terror and prevent another 9/11 we must pass more laws to restrict and/or intercept communications on the web. The government needs no proof that there may be or is a crime in progress to tap communications in any way they see fit. Everyone must be watched if the government sees fit.

“Our” congress is considering even more legislation to enable the government and pointless ‘DHS’ to watch anything done electronically. It’s not bad enough that the ‘Patriot Act’ ripped the Constitution to shreds and basically voided any rights we used to have as Americans, now they are continually proposing new legislation to create more possibilities for the government to illegally monitor what Joe Public is doing.

For the most part, I don’t give a crap if they know I was looking at plasma TV’s or reading about the latest celebrity gossip. Unfortunately, what happens when I decide I DO care? Does the government have the right to sit and monitor everywhere I go and everything I do? No.

What personal communications I have and what I do is my business, not the Fed’s. Just because we use bits and bytes today instead of couriers does not mean that the government can change the rules mid-stream and start intercepting communications willy-nilly.

We keep plummeting down this hole and no one seems to realize it. The depression is coming shortly (look at the dollar value and ‘stimulus package’), crime will increase (out of desparation), and they will point to the high crime as a reason to enact more strict laws. That’s just my prediction.

I certainly hope I am wrong, but that’s just what I fear from what I see happening today.

It’s good that our Presidential candidates are down to earth…

Seeing the Clintons’ tax returns make me so angry. It’s not like we all don’t know they are millionaires, but damn.

People wonder why our government is so screwed up, and yet we keep electing these super-elite to make laws and decisions representing us. Does GWB, Hillary, Barack, McCain, hell – ANY politician care if you live or die? Nope.

They only care slightly how they can twist your demographic to dislike them less than the other person.

We wonder how our government wound up bankrupt and worthless, yet we have a monkey who can’t effectively speak as president, and a dying senior citizen as vice president. Oh, and don’t forget Karl Rove pulling the strings behind the curtain.

Next up we have McCain and Hillary/Barack. Wow, great choices there.

When was the last time one of them had a real life? I mean something like you and I have every day. Even a low-level executive position? Precisely.

I can’t wait for the second American Revolution. I really hope it is political rather than a war, but it has to happen. Our government is disgusting with the national debt impossible/unwilling to recover from, politicians who only care about staying in power to get richer, public that is too lazy to do ANYTHING to save this nation…

Wow, I’m fired-up about this subject.

And now for something to scare you (It’s weird)

There are a few good points in this video, but you have to laugh at how out there it is in the way it is presented.

Are schools bribing kids to do the ISAT?

Recently I was made privy to the fact that at least JL Buford school is trying to raise money to buy “prizes” for a “raffle”. The trick in all of this is that the kids will be given “tickets” for the “raffle” based upon their participation in the ISAT.

I heard that Casey Jr. High is doing the same thing, but I didn’t see any letter from them.

So basically, funding is on the line thanks to “No Child Left Behind”, and the schools have resorted to bribing our children. This is truly a sad state of affairs for our school system.

How did we get here? I’m sure some will blame the NCLB act (teachers), and others will blame the educators (politicians). Personally, I would say it is a combination of those factors and us as parents.

We elected the politicians, we employ the teachers (indirectly), and we are the ultimate responsibility when it comes to the well-being and education of our kids. If little Jimmy isn’t keeping up with the rest of the class, help him. Talk to his teacher(s). Arrange tutoring. Whatever it takes!

Our children are our future. They will one day lead this country.

While I don’t approve of the outright bribery that local schools have resorted to, I do understand the pressure they are under to produce results or else. There are already no sports for our kids to play, what happens when more funding is cut?