Google builds a site in the kuntree – Why not here?

Google has decided to develop a new server farm in a community of North Carolina. Of course, there were massive tax incentives and other concessions given to them, as there are for any new industry these days. My big question is: Why not here?

Mount Vernon and Jefferson County have an ample workforce to staff such an operation. Our area is located right at two major interstates for easy access. Our water supplies are abundant (thank you, Rend Lake). Finally, we have fiber connections very near and probably under our feet.

Could, should, and would our government pursue an opportunity for a “clean” industry that would mean jobs, construction, and possibly draw in other knowledge-industry?

I personally believe that they could and SHOULD make every attempt to have this type of industry here, but I wonder if they would. Fortunately, I am just providing speculation and I want to believe that our city is pursuing real employment and growth for our community and the surrounding area. Everyone living here knows that we need more to sustain ourselves than hotels, restaurant chains, gas stations, pawn shops, banks, and instant-credit/loan-shops. Unfortunately we have no word of anything else coming any time soon.

Yaaaaay, we’re getting a new interchange and some “big-box” stores to sell stuff. Unfortunately, no one will be able to afford to shop anywhere but Wal-Mart with our pitiful employment situation.

Slow week

This is a post about nothing. Hate to leave my 2 readers with nothing new. Monday was just Monday, and yesterday I woke up with horrible allergies.

Em got the brilliant idea to open some windows with the warmer weather. That was a great idea – get some fresh air, smell the spring. Unfortunately, she left a couple open overnight and I woke up snotty and congested. Thank God for Claritin. I popped one and was feeling better in the afternoon.

Later in the day Em picked up some shirts for herself and I at Goody’s. Nothing exciting, but shirts have to be replaced sometime.

OMG, I just remembered something else she got. Shorts. Not just any shorts, but UGLY shorts. These things look like they could have been worn to a DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince concert back in the eighties. They are horrible! I promise to get photos and post them, but rest assured that I will NOT be going out in public with her if they are on.


Please understand first that I am not a leftist-liberal. More often than not I disagree with the ACLU and their policies/cases.

Please understand also that I know our country must take its security seriously. In the wake of 9/11 policy and law changes were changed in a large way in a short time.

With those two points cleared, I will now get to the real point of my post – The PATRIOT Act needs to be revisited and rewritten. The original version was written hurriedly after 9/11 to help the government avoid another catastrophe. Good job. The second version of the PATRIOT Act should have been closely studied and re-written, but it was not. Now we have broken legislation that must be examined and re-forged to contain their scope and purpose.

I will link to the ACLU site and their article for your review. The case that they cite is mostly hypothetical, but it shows that the legislation does need its scope reviewed.

Holy craters, Batman!

Well, my post from yesterday was correct. The city did re-pour some concrete on Veteran’s/42nd street. It’s kind of nice to see some maintenance being done around a project.

Now, if we could just get the other two street-wide craters fixed on the 42nd street side, that corner would be back to its wonderful previous glory.

I wonder if there is a planning committee or study in place to get the widening of Veterans and 42nd street. With a planned new high school, new interstate exchange, hospital, and all sorts of new businesses, this area will need at least two lanes in each direction with a turn-lane just like Broadway has currently.

I certainly hope that our city’s leaders are planning ahead and don’t wait until businesses, sidewalks, new power poles, and traffic congestion matters are already present before starting/planning the expansion. The area is still mostly farmland and could easily be modified at the current time by removing the present curbs and pouring an extra lane or two, but I have yet to see a plan or even a hint of planning on this matter.

If this section of town is planned ahead and laid out properly, the city can avoid many of the issues caused by the rapid expansion due to occur. However, I was told by the mayor when I asked back in January that I was “…talking about 7-10 years down the road.” I will stake my $1 that within 5 years there will be enormous traffic issues and poor street design if we don’t start now.

REAL ID and What it could mean to you

Cnet news has a thorough and informative article on REAL ID and how it results in the citizens of this country living in a state where all of our information is available for the taking and shared at the very least, across our country.

From the article:

What does that mean for me?
Starting three years from now, if you live or work in the United States, you’ll need a federally approved ID card to travel on an airplane, open a bank account, collect Social Security payments, or take advantage of nearly any government service. Practically speaking, your driver’s license likely will have to be reissued to meet federal standards.

The article also describes how the card will have at least: “name, birth date, sex, ID number, a digital photograph, address, and a “common machine-readable technology” that Homeland Security will decide on.”

This means that once whatever “machine-readable technology” is cracked (everything is crack-able), someone can easily steal your information and your identity. If the Department of Homeland in-security uses RFID, the crook doesn’t even need to physically touch your card, as demonstrated in this article. They could just walk by with a card reader, capture your card’s information, and then duplicate it later like in that example.

Let’s say no one manages to get your information so easily. How comfortable are you with every business you deal with having all of that information in a database with unknown security? Anyone who works at, perhaps, the bank can pull up your REAL ID information that reveals everything about you. Maybe you have important medical information about your AIDS condition on the card in case you are in an accident. Guess what? Now anywhere you do business has that information as well. Your blood type? Same.

The possibilities are limitless as to what can be stored on the card since it is left to the discretion of the “Secretary of Homeland Security”. Perhaps he decides to mandate retinal scans logged into the card’s “machine-readable” information? Maybe your court record.

I’m not a whack-job, but I do think that this is crossing the line of our government’s power. The states are sovereign except for powers given to the federal government by the Constitution. I don’t recall anything in there about REAL ID or turning citizens into subjects.

I think the part about subjects was actually in the Declaration of Independence.

“…That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.